Is South Korea dragging the U.S. into a war with the North?

koreaThere’s some disturbing news out of South Korea this morning.  South Korea has detected movement of 50 North Korean submarines and enhanced troop readiness on the border.  Are the on-going talks designed to give North Korea time to put their troops in place?  You know, like a magicians “slight of hand”:  keep your enemy focused on one thing while you do something else.

Equally disturbing, The Korea Times reported this morning, “The alliance of South Korea and the United States will react to any provocations,”  said a South Korean military official.

What?  We will?  Who said we would?

Apparently South Korea thinks they can speak for the United States.  And, apparently, Obama is allowing them to do so.

Our military is only in South Korea for annual training exercises, not for engaging in their war.  We should have brought our troops home after North Korea sent artillery shells flying into the south.  And now that South Korea thinks they’ll drag the U.S. into their battles, it should be a no-brainer.  Bring them home.

The north and the south are intentionally pushing each other’s buttons and, like little school kids, let them duke it out on the playground.

I realize that Baby Un is probably just spewing the same baseless rhetoric he has in the past, but this could get out of control.  Let’s face it, when you have a man who is certifiably nuts running a country, anything is possible.

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