It’s Sunday, rainy and I’m afflicted with technology overload

Okay, it’s been a dreary and rainy weekend in the area.  There’s not been much to do, other than housework, cleaning up files, watching TV and watching the various Twitter feeds I subscribe to.  To some folks, my weekend might sound boring; to me it has been relaxing and I actually fit a nap or two into my busy schedule.  The yard work?  It’ll have to wait for things to dry out.

The damp weather, a break and then more damp weather

It has been raining a bit this weekend, but not the deluge type we typically get this time of year.  It’s been more of a nice gentle rain.  The kind the grass, flowers and my dog enjoy.  Don’t worry, sun-lovers will get a taste of dryer weather tomorrow.  There’s more rain in the forecast for later in the week, including a chance for some thunderstorms on Wednesday and Thursday and temps will be more seasonable with highs near 70°.  I don’t see any chasing for me in the near future, but I’m hopeful that May will bring us an above average chasing season.

Technology overload

Yes, I finally broke down, dumped the HTC smart phone I’ve had for only a year and joined the iPhone community.  No contest.  iPhone wins.

With the rain, I’ve had time to search through the app store and, damn, they do have an app for that!  I’ve downloaded a few so far and I’m sure I’ll be adding to the collection as time goes along.  If you have any suggestions for apps I can’t live without, drop me a line.  I have to remind myself that I need to take the iPhone pill in small doses.  My head begins to spin with all of the features and capabilities of the phone and all of those apps.  I actually closed my eyes to sleep last night and the app store search screen was stuck in my mind.  Scary overload situation.

I’m learning.  I can now upload photos to flickr and I can get the news from CNN and USA Today.  I can Tweet, check my limited stock portfolio, work on my blog and stream live video from my iPhone to my web site.  And, of course, I can check the weather.  It’s true, they do have apps for that.  The downside?  I’ve only scratched the surface.  More sleepless nights in my future.  I’m sure there’s a few of you laughing at my newbie status right now.  Go ahead and laugh.  I can take it.

I do wish, however, that Apple and Adobe would quit fighting and come up with a way to view flash media on the iPhone.  I use flash on my web site for photographs and video.  iPhone and iPad users can’t see them.  I’m hopeful that they’ll come up with a solution, and if they don’t, I’ll come up with other alternatives for the web site and ditch flash.  Are you guys listening?  Play nice or it’s “time out” for you.

A big big thanks to Mike for helping me get over the iPhone-virgin jitters, and for putting up with my constant “this is my iPhone” comment.

Twitter’s tweet archiving, advertising and purchase of Tweetie

I guess everyone has now heard that our public tweets are being archived at the Library of Congress now.  I’ve always known that my writings would end up there.  My wonderful tweets, like “what sounds yummy for dinner?”, will somehow change the world.

They’ve also announced that Twitter will now include advertising in their search feature.  Don’t complain.  You didn’t really think that Twitter would always be free did you?  I doubt having some advertising pushed to users will really affect the overall experience of 140 character micro blogging.  I wonder if the advertisers will have to limit their posts to 140 characters or less.  I sure hope so.

Twitter has also announced that they’ve purchased Tweetie and they’ll make it a free app for the iPhone.  I’m using Twitteriffic right now, but I’m game.  I’ll try it once it becomes a free app.

Flags at half-staff on Monday

Remembering April 19, 1995 and the bombing of the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Governor Brad Henry has ordered flags to be flown at half-staff on Monday between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m.  It’s hard to believe it’s been 15 years since that day.

Survival kit advertising

Most of you know that I’ve kept the web site advertising free, but I have added a couple of advertisers on the main page, near the bottom of the page.  Both companies offer survival supplies and kits.  Yes, if you order something from them I do get a percentage of the sale, but that’s not why I posted them.  Everyone should have a few days worth of supplies on hand in the event of a prolonged power outage, disaster or terrorist attack.  Whether you buy online from one of the suppliers I’m recommending or you do something else, the important thing is that you get prepared.  Of course, if you decide to buy your kits online, then please click the advertisement on the web site.  The money I make from your purchase will help fund the web site and my chasing activities.  Thanks.

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