2020 continues to suck and I don’t see much improvement in 2021.  It’s difficult to put a positive spin on all of this.  I wish I had a magical delete key.  If I did, I could take care of it.

Today marks 250 days of social distancing and self-isolation for me, and for some of you.  More than six months of only going out for essential things.  More than six months of not seeing any of you, eating in a restaurant or going to a movie.  I’ve survived, but it’s been a struggle.

As if a pandemic isn’t enough, protests, riots and a contested presidential election only confirms my earlier comment.  This year sucks.

I think most of us are doing the best we can dealing with all of this.  But I’m having a tough time accepting the fact that our current state will last at least another year.  The “experts” are now saying it would be next fall – a 2021 fall – before a vaccine is available.  If then.  I guess we have something to look forward to.

I’ve been battling some heath issues this year, exasperated by a COVID positive diagnosis in June.  I’m better, but not back to normal yet.  I’m still having bad days.  The hernia surgery I had scheduled a few months ago has been delayed because of it.  Hopefully I can have the surgery done in February.  Hopefully.  But, with the potential of another lockdown looming, I’m questioning that timeline.

When we started this new decade, who would have thought we would be where we are today?  A positive outlook of our future at the beginning of the decade quickly turned dark.  For me, anyway, the year started with production reductions at the company I work for.  Then the pandemic hit, worsening the situation.  I’ve been dealing with various types of furlough since March and my income has been impacted by it.  I’m surviving, but not without struggle.

My access to food supplies has improved tremendously since the days of food shortages earlier this year, but I’m still ordering online when I need something and picking it up or having it delivered.  I’m still not venturing out if I don’t have a need to.  I’m still staying away from people.  I won’t risk it if I don’t have to.  I can’t risk it.

With exception to reduced income, my job is back to near normal, for now.  But, with the surge in infections, there’s talk, once again, about working remotely.  That’s not something I really want to do again.  I should embrace that idea, but I don’t want to.

The virus is still very active and the numbers of infected and dying are climbing at an alarming rate.  Some are now referring to the months ahead as the “Dark Winter”.  Hospital ICU beds are full already.  I hope they’re wrong, but they’re probably right.

Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays are approaching, and it’ll be different this year.  I’m saddened by that.

The November 3rd election didn’t solve any problems either.  Reported voting irregularities have cast a shadow on our election process.  Hopefully we’ll know by the December 14th deadline who officially won the election.  Biden says it was him.  Trump refuses to concede because of the irregularities.  Catch 22.  In this fray, the news media refuses to report the truth.  I’ve looked for alternate sources in search of honest reporting.  I’ve yet to find it.  Everything said is suspect, regardless of the source.

We’ve had massive protests across the country that began because a black man was killed by a white cop.  Those have morphed into protesting for protest-sake.  I don’t think anyone knows why they’re protesting now – it’s just what they do.  Some businesses that opened again after the lockdown, have been looted and burned down by rioters. Our political leaders are fueling the fires of dissent, allowing anarchists to stage insurrections.  I thought insurrections were illegal or at least anti-American.  I guess they’re not now.

Law enforcement officers are, unfortunately, caught in the middle of the mayhem.  They are ridiculed when they stand by and watch it happen and they are ridiculed when they move in to stop them.  Their hands have been tied.  Until the municipalities take a stand against the insurgents, the violence will continue.  If it lasts much longer, the threat of martial law and military intervention is a reality we may have to accept.

I’ve tried to remain somewhat neutral through all of this and, I’ll admit, it’s getting tougher for me to be neutral.  Politically, I’m a registered Independent and I typically support moderate candidates.  Unfortunately, in today’s environment, we seem to have either extreme left or extreme right.  There’s no middle-ground.  I find it difficult to support either position.  But the one thing I will never support is moving to a socialist form of government.  I’ll fight against any socialist or communist with fervor.  Men and Women have died fighting wars across the globe against these factions and I won’t let their deaths ring hollow now.  No American should.

Are we on the brink of civil war?  I’d like to think that would never happen.  But, as it does sometimes, reality is slapping us in the collective face.  Citizens are attacking citizens because of deep divisions in their political and religious beliefs.  Historically, these divisions become the catalyst for violent conflict.  With what has already transpired these past months, it is quite possible that we are already there.

Yes, 2020 sucks.  I guess we should look forward to, uhm, 2022?

Please stay safe and take care of each other.

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