I know it’s been a few days since posting. It’s been a long week.

First, Liza. She’s drinking water again, but she’s not eating as much as she normally does. She’s also sleeping a lot. I’m watching her closely and hopeful she’s on the slow road to recovery. She’s really had me worried. Poor gal.

It’s raining this morning. Not at all mad about that. It’s been hot this week and the rains will bring cooler temperatures, at least for a few days. I found that the heat and humidity makes breathing more difficult. So, maybe, the cooler weather will help me some.

Over the past week, I’ve been talking with other Long COVID patients. It’s been eye opening. One thing I’ve learned is I’m not alone in this. Some people are doing better than I am and some are worse. Some are disabled and some have learned to manage their symptoms. I’m learning how to manage mine.

I’m changing my diet to anti-inflammation foods. That means I have to eat more fruits and vegetables, cut out processed foods, eat less meat, and use healthier cooking oil. Considering most of us have a “fast food” diet, it’ll be a change in how I look at food. One food I have to cut out completely is peanuts. So, peanut butter is out. I love peanut butter.

My doctor finally ordered a follow-up chest x-ray. I have that scheduled for next Friday. I’ll go in to see her after she has a few days to review the x-ray. I’m still doing twice-a-day breathing treatments and a daily inhaler. That’ll likely be my routine for the foreseeable future. As much as I hate it.

Another thing I’ve learned this week is to pace myself. It’s pretty normal, when you’ve been ill, to try and play catch up when you start feeling better. For Long COVID patients, that’s not wise. You may feel good for a few hours or a day, but you’ll crash afterwards. Boom and Bust. I’ve left things undone this week, and over the weekend I’m going to do a little bit and then rest. Then I’ll do a little more and rest again. That pace may help the extreme crashes I’ve been experiencing. It’s not forever, or so I’ve been told. It’s just until I gradually work up to doing more. I’m impatient. I’ll try.

This morning I started the laundry. I’ll probably look at recipes and put in my grocery order. That’s all that’s really on my plate for today. A slow pace for now.

We’ve learned this week that the COVID Delta variant is in the United States. We’ve also learned that the people who have been hospitalized were not vaccinated. There’s also talk that we should continue to wear a mask when around people who haven’t been vaccinated. I’m still wearing a mask when I’m in public and I’ll continue doing that until this shit is gone. Let’s face it, the vaccine doesn’t protect you 100%. There’s always the chance that the virus will still infect someone who has been vaccinated. I’m praying I’m not one of them. If you’ve not been vaccinated, I strongly suggest you do so.

I hope the start of your weekend is going well. Stay healthy and take care of each other.

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